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It's time to ditch Kajabi and Facebook groups

Put your course, community, and event schedule together in one place. Give your customers a better home. Stop paying for Kajabi and wasting time on Facebook. Simplify your life.

Everything on one place

Give your customers a better home. Put your courses, communities, and event schedules together in 1-place.

High engagement

Skool groups are more engaging than Facebook groups. Your daily active members will increase.

Members love it

Your members will love Skool (and you) because they only need 1-login for everything, and it’s a joy to use.

Earn money automatically

If one of your members creates a Skool group, we’ll pay you 40% of their monthly subscription — automatically.

Lightning fast setup

You can set up your Skool group and add members in less than 1-hour, with no instructions — it’s easy.

Simplify your life

You’ll save time and money with Skool. You’ll be more productive. Your life will become more simple and zen.